We are in a crisis. Religious
fundamentalism and secularism are not getting along so well these days. What to
do about it? We need to be more spiritual, not less.
In the
The response to radical Islam should not be to embrace our secularism, but should be to increase our level of spirituality without losing sight of the best aspect of
secularism, which is tolerance. Radical Islam cannot be defeated by radical secularism. Such a dichotomy
would result in a perpetual struggle
between two essentially incompatible ways of thinking. Radicalism can only be
supplanted by a more tolerant
form of spirituality which would encompass all the world’s religions in one
broad understanding.
Mankind will always be ruled by spiritual zeal. Why not let it be an
enlightened one?
To be clear. I am not advocating a surrender of our
position in the world or that we change our basic system of government or give
up our possessions and jump into the ocean. I like
So how can we get there? First, there must be an
immediate freeze on personal and collective moral decay. It is time to grow up.
No more acceptance of misogyny, racism, and other forms of ignorance and hate. Fairness and equality are now evident. To hide behind inherited ideas of prejudice is no
longer excusable.
Violence in all forms must be curtailed. Aggression could be satisfied by
sports, hunting and swimming. Gladiatorial combat and human sacrifice should be
discouraged. Gun control must be taken seriously.
The second amendment is fine, but it must be interpreted in a modern context.
The destructive glorification of violence must be
attacked vigorously, by adults of all ages. Parents must behave like parents. Families must work together and children must be raised with care. Teachers must be elevated.
Compassion must be rewarded.
Personal restraint must be encouraged and excessive
consumption must be criticized. Hummers and other personal monuments may or may
not be phased out, on a voluntary basis of course. If you are motivated to work by these things, then it
is likely your work will be of little benefit to mankind anyway.
In the public realm, corruption for personal gain must be
routed using transparency and accountability. Term limits may be helpful. Campaign finance reform should
not even be necessary. Difficult problems must be faced rather than ignored or
exploited. Deception by public officials must be decried and remembered. The
media must regain its dignity and adjust its sense of purpose. It may want to
look to the past for guidance. Arrogance and blind ambition will be of no help.
Western-style secularism may confer an economic
advantage. But what are some of its downsides?
The creation of ever more dangerous technology.
The destruction of the planet.
The increasing disparity of resources between first and third world.
What are its upsides?
The creation of ever more helpful
The potential to not destroy the planet.
Other stuff.
I believe that what is necessary for the stability and
survival of mankind is the development of a strong sense of tolerance and
shared responsibility among nations and tribes. I believe our society can
achieve a balance between secularism and spirituality, which is moderate but
robust, questioning but determined. And if it does so, it seems plausible to
think our leaders might possibly reflect some of that virtue.
It is time to recognize the limits of American (and first
world) power and hence a real need to play smarter. It is time to take our
great blessings (even including the advantages gained from past sins) and use
them for good rather than further gain. It is time to behave responsibly. Be
honest with ourselves. Remember the lessons of history. Do not hide behind
habits. Don’t be afraid. Think. Try. Care. Vote. And let’s see what we can do.
Me in ’08