The Right Hobby

There are so many god damn good movies out there it's absurd. You cannot possibly have seen them all. And although this thought is distressing to some, I think it's great because it means there will always be something more to see. So take your time. There's no need to rush. Don't think of it as delayed gratification so much as prolonged anticipation. Of course, the argument against waiting is that some unseized opportunities become lost opportunities. Greek temples fall over. Old friends get married. Your favorite bird meat grows scarce or illegal. This is generally not the fate of films. Cultivating your taste and growing your list of movies to see is the safest investment you can make. It's safer than government bonds because after the United States and China blow each other up, there will still be France. Of course, the first thing they'll do is destroy all American films made after 1980, but who cares about that. And so you run your list one film at a time, and never have to feel pressured. Just don't lose the list. Books and music are also relatively safe pursuits, but some very good books and recordings do get lost or scarce. And there are two additional problems unique to music. First, your hearing can always go, at which point you can always watch the rest of the Chaplin films besides City Lights. Second, sound recordings are not the real thing (they are once removed), whereas a film is the original work itself. Thus, film is the safest and purest of all media pleasures. Note, however, that a chance to see a great film in the theatre on re-release counts as an opportunity. I neglected to see Dr. Strangelove once when I had the chance, and it still hurts.


From: Gates
To: Bacon

You are OOC!

Just the man I want to talk to thoughæ‚ 'm having ACL surgery tomorrow. Will be limited to my couch and bed for the next 10 days or so. What movies do you recommend I watch?
